Monday, August 12, 2013

Seja bem vindo ao Brasil!

Friends & Family,

I have decided to start a blog so that I can post updates and photos of my adventures in Brazil now that I have finally arrived!  It certainly didn´t take long for me to be reminded that I am now the foreigner and that my Portuguese has a ways to go.  The cab driver did not know exactly where my soon to be apartment was and upon phoning for help the one thing I could hear him say was "o gringo não sabe".  Despite the initial miscommunication, he was able to get me where I needed to go.  Excited to see where I will be living for the next two years I walked in to a completely empty apartment and thought "oh no, what did I get myself into?".  The apartment and building are both very nice and modern but when I walked in there was only a bed with the plastic wrapping still in tact.  Luckily, I was able to sync up with a few co-workers who I had met on my prior visit for lunch and they were able to help my buy sheets/pillows and towels so at least I could take a shower and have a place to sleep.   

For my first night in town, I was able to wander around and find my way to a restaurant I had eaten before.  Still a bit unsure of my Portuguese skills it took a caipirinha (or two) for me to work up the courage to have a conversation with the waiter.  I began by telling him it was my first night in Brazil and that I'd be here for the next two years.  The highlight of my night came when he asked if I had been practicing because I actually spoke pretty well and that he could understand me.

Over the weekend, a friend from work, Higor, invited me to his parents' house about an hour and a half south of São Paulo to celebrate Brazilian Father's Day.  Though most of them didn't speak any English they took amazing care of me and I got to practice quite a bit more Portuguese.  I was spoiled with homecooked meals of all of the local fare and got to experience the local culture.  I could not have asked for a better way to begin my stay!

I found my way to the office this morning (it's a whole two blocks from my apartment) and am taking care of the usual first day items such as trying to log in and get access to everything.  Needless to say, today hasn't been all that productive but I am excited for the challenges ahead.

That's all for now, more to come!  Tchau!

p.s. - I can confirm that toilets do flush the opposite direction south of the equator



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for the update! Can't wait to hear more. What an experience. Best of luck to you BDT!

  3. This is such a cool idea! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us :) Good luck & have fun!

  4. I love this! Thanks for confirming the Flush DiTolla! I miss you! And because I am special and don't have a google account - I will follow you on Mike's!
